Photos by Elmer's friend, Ann Loftus. © 2004

Elmer Case
Good to see you.
Elmer's cottage on the canal
My little cottage and shop on the canal. I added the second floor in 1965.
Elmer's cottage on the canal
The cottage part, built in 1949.
Elmer's cottage on the canal
Let's take a look around.
Elmer's cottage on the canal
My old drafting table and desk where I taught myself to type.
Franklin stove
The old Franklin Stove keeps me warm upstairs.
Elmer's old drafting table
I like to keep organized.
Elmer's cottage on the canal
Millie and my radio.
How're we doing?
Photos of two of Elmer's friends
Just some memories. Those are my friends Sherry Baker and Roz Marshall.
Elmer's neighbor's house
The Disalvi's live next door there.
Elmer's bedroom
The old bed.
Elmer's bedroom
I guess things really do accumulate.
One more photo of Elmer
Well alright. Take another one.
View of the canal from upstairs
View of the canal from upstairs.
View of the front door from upstairs
View of the front door from upstairs.
A Harry Rosen sculpture. Now at the Michener Museum
A Harry Rosen sculpture. Now at the Michener Museum in Doylestown, PA.
View from the living room window.
Evening's coming.
Details on Elmer's table
As I said, I like to be organized.
Elmer smoking his pipe
Let me get my pipe.
Elmer smoking his pipe
Ah, that's better.
Elmer's living room
Yup, evening's here.
The living room viewed through the window
The cottage is always cozy at night.
Elmer waving goodbye
See you again later.